Farm Family Wellbeing

Improving the resilience and wellbeing of Northern Ireland’s Farming Families

How are you today?

Our farmers are at the heart of the home and the community. However, many things can increase stress and impact our mental health, especially, as a farmer, emotional and physical health, as well as having a good support network of family and friends are important for wellbeing.

Why this is important

  • The agricultural sector is a major player in the UK economy, contributing £9.4Bn annually.

  • The sector also accounts for 1.5% of workers, but 15-20% of all work related fatalities in the UK.

  • 133 agricultural workers within the UK took their own lives in 2019/20.

  • The figures reveal the important role our farmers play in our society, as well as the risk, responsibility and stress they face.

Labour & working conditions

Farm working hours and time off are important for the wellbeing of the farmer and the farm. Aim to get 8 hours of sleep per night and 20 hours of time-off a week.

Having access to adequate facilities, such as a phone, PPE, toilet, breakroom and of course the tea pot are vital.

Farm Succession

Farm succession, especially when faced with illness, farm accident or sudden death can be a very difficult time for the family.

To better secure your family’s future, farm succession and life stage planning is important.

For more advice see:

Health & Safety

To improve on farm health and safety, stop and think SAFE when on the farm to avoid accidents relating to:

  • Slurry, e.g. ensure all openings into the slurry tank are covered.

  • Animals, e.g. before working with cattle, work out an escape route

  • Falls, e.g. ladders should be used as a last resort, and

  • Equipment, e.g. a PTO shaft must always be correctly guarded

For more information visit:

Professional Development

Education and professional development are vital to make your farm more competitive, efficient, and aware of changing markets, trends and consumer demands.

QUB, AFBI, CAFRE and AgriSearch hold talks, training courses and other events related to animal health, farm health and safety, sustainability as well as disease and pest control.

The Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) offers a range of free, short training courses. See: